Monday, May 11, 2015


It was a somber morning as our group went separate ways from the Ontario group. 

A bittersweet moment as everyone hugged and said their goodbyes, but I am leaving San Jose de Ocoa with fond memories that lead to an experience of a life time. I'm going to miss all the wonderful faces and  beautiful souls that I got to work with, converse with and have a great time with. 

This experience has really pushed us to our limits to use our skills to the best of our ability for we assessed and treated a few hundred in the span of 5-7 hours. Seeing how Ocoans live, eat and overall survive has put a new perspective on everything and I can honestly say we shouldn't complain about the services we receive, regardless if we have to wait in the emerg for 12 hours because some of these people get seen once a year and it's probably when these humanitarian groups roll around. And we have to realize how very fortunate we are to be able to afford what we get. 

I'm very proud of the group and I believe we're all going to come home having a different vision of the world around us. 

And finally, a big thank you to everyone who could make this dream a reality!! 

San Jose de Ocoa, I'll be back!!!


  1. Sandra, I don't doubt that you will do more "international" experiences as you continue in nursing. Isn't nice to have a skill that you can share and learn about. I have enjoyed your posts. See you soon. Debbi

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience with us! I loved following the blog! Safe travels home!
